
发表: 2020年11月11日
类型: 新闻

2020年11月11日,日内瓦: 以任何标准衡量,2020年都是引人注目的新闻报道之年. 即使有大流行, unprecedented wildfires across huge swathes of the northern and southern hemispheres, 以及最近的美国大选, the debate about the future of capitalism has been playing out in the mainstream media, alongside questions about the conduct and responsibilities of companies in response to global issues such as inequality, 气候变化和公共卫生.

Capitalism, and its consequences for society and the environment, are very much in the spotlight. 甚至坚定的资本家也开始争论资本主义, 以目前的形式, 是不可持续的, 环境, 和经济上. Yet capitalism’s core features of private enterprise and competitive markets are essential to addressing our greatest societal challenges and unleashing the transformations required to meet the Sustainable 发展 Goals (SDGs).

今天, 作为其更新《2050年正规博彩十大网站》工作的一部分, the 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD) is releasing an issue brief advocating that now is the time for companies and investors to enter – 和铅 ——辩论, 不仅仅是关于为什么资本主义需要改变, 而是我们如何去改变它.

这个问题很简单, 重塑资本主义:转型议程, synthesizes the best available thinking on why capitalism needs to be reinvented if it is to create the conditions for 长期 business success, 以及商业行为, 投资者和政策制定者可以利用今天推动转型.

WBCSD makes the case that the capitalism we need is one that rewards true value creation – not value extraction as today’s model does. 具体地说, this means that all social and environmental costs and benefits should be internalized and reflected in the relative price of goods and services, 在公司的利润中 & 损失表、资本成本和市场估值.

WBCSD has long been committed to making more sustainable companies more successful. A reinvented capitalism focused on true value would lead to a world in which more companies innovate in ways that contribute to a flourishing society, 资本市场适当地评估和奖励包容性, 可持续的商业惯例和, 结果是, 调动更多的资金来实现正规博彩十大网站排名目标和向正规博彩十大网站排名转型.5°C的世界.

问题概要认为,如果我们要达到这样一个版本的资本主义, we need to realign the 激励 that drive businesses’ and investors’ behavior,  采用新的和更好的方法来衡量绩效,  and tackle failures at the market and institutional level that favor financial value extraction over true value creation. A reinvented model of capitalism that address these failures will be characterized by five features: stakeholder-oriented, impact-internalizing, 长期, 可再生和负责任.

按照本期建议的思路重塑资本主义将是一个简单的方法, 毫无疑问, 非常具有挑战性. 这将需要企业采取补充行动, 投资者和政策制定者, with voluntary action from the private sector and changes to law and regulation going hand in hand. 因此,商业在资本主义的转变中扮演着关键的角色:

  • “言出必行”——调整和调整商业模式, 决策过程, govern-ance模型, 激励, 征税方法, 报酬, 以追求真正价值的资本主义眼光进行报告和会计
  • Leveraging its relationships with other stakeholders – from suppliers and customers to policymakers and civil society – to influence the norms and rules that shape capitalism as a whole.

为此目的, WBCSD worked with member companies and partners to identify a set of priority actions that business can take, linking these to corresponding policy and regulatory changes that companies can call for and need to support. 在接下来的几个月中, WBCSD将使用问题摘要来指导我们成员之间的合作, 无论是首席执行官还是首席财务官, 在执行所提出的业务行动和政策建议方面. WBCSD的 重新定义价值计划,特别是通过它 与负责任投资原则建立伙伴关系 (PRI), has a dedicated work program that will be focusing on this transformation agenda.

彼得不赞美, WBCSD总裁兼首席执行官, commented: “Capitalism’s core features of private enterprise and competitive markets are indispensable if we are to achieve the scale and speed of transformation needed to achieve our Vision of a world in which 9+ billion people can live well 在地球范围内. But our success or failure in achieving our 2050年正规博彩十大网站 is likely to hinge to a significant degree on whether capitalism can be reinvented for the better, 而且是为了它自己好, 在接下来的十年里. The reality is that this is not simply a social and environmental agenda – it is about creating the conditions for 长期 business success.”


这个问题很简单, 与Volans和EY合作开发, 一系列临时产出的一部分是否与 本署最新修订的《2050年正规博彩十大网站》, a landmark 2010 report that laid out a pathway to a world in which nine billion people are able to live well, 在地球范围内, 到本世纪中叶. WBCSD is working together with 40 of its member companies to update this work and again provide business with a common agenda for action over the decade to come.

在过去的六个月里, the 2050年正规博彩十大网站 project has released a series of issue briefs to help companies navigate the challenges of responding to the socio-economic turmoil unleashed by COVID-19, 同时保持(并提高)正规博彩十大网站排名目标的雄心. 可以通过下面的链接找到输出.


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